U.S. Power Vision, LLC

From the Community of Manufacturing, Design and Contracting Teams of U.S. Power Vision, LLC

Fabulous Lighting Mave

www.USPowerVision.com • 1963 Park Avenue • Twin Lake, Michigan 49457 • RMotsch@USPowerVision.com

Who’s The Maven

Dear Reader,

Contrary to what some believe, the world doesn’t change one person at a time. It changes as people discover they share a common cause, a vision if you will, and begin to build relationships with other like-minded people.

Each interaction increases knowledge, fosters courage, and promotes new practices leading to change. It’s the network that creates those conditions, and we’re building one.

The Power of Networks

A network is how life creates radical change at scale – how living systems shift to communities of practice, then evolve into something powerful, propelling a much larger influence. This is our aspiration, and we expect the results to be extraordinary. Working intentionally, we’ll connect people to other people with the same challenges and visions, and our collective efforts will become a force for change. The implications are profound.

What you’re reading currently is the inaugural edition of our digital rag. The Fabulous Lighting Maven will bring industrial lighting experiences or questions you may have to your peers for consumption or help. We’ll at times weigh in with our opinion, and you may agree or you may not. Your comments roasting us will be published promptly.

We’ve got five main interests, and the publication will touch all of them:

· To improve our understanding and deployment of advanced lighting systems, and our ability to predict and prepare for technological changes and opportunities;

· To meet the pressing energy needs of manufacturing and food corporations, with cutting-edge and financially viable lighting programs and projects intending to reduce cost, enhance human health, and preserve natural resources;

· To reduce energy consumption in industrial buildings and systems, driving down carbon emissions;

· To engage in current and emerging market-making, driven by economic and environmental circumstances; and

· To enhance the well-being of the people who find themselves in the buildings we’re involved with, and pledge to understand the pathways by which man-made systems contribute to their health.

We Invite You to Join Us ..

.. as we continue to develop this network, creating an energy and natural resource community that will grow in ways beneficial to you, the organization you work for, the industry you’re operating in, and planet Earth.

Who’s the Maven? It’s you, and all other Facilities, Maintenance and Energy Managers across the nation, as well as the contractors serving them. If you’re like the others, you’re exuding competence, with a vested interest in not only improving your operations, but doing so responsibly, with an eye towards leaving the planet better than you found it.

Come on in. Subscribe at no charge to The Fabulous Lighting Maven, our publication centered on LED lighting systems, healthy and efficient buildings, and the continued preservation of our precious resources. Click here, please, to sign up

U.S. Power is an industrial energy services company that specializes in the reduction of energy consumption across a broad array of manufacturing and food processing facilities located in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin. In addition, the company publishes a useful curation of lighting-oriented information from the marketplace, and consolidates it into this concise, twice per month letter known as The Fabulous Lighting Maven, distributed to Facilities Managers throughout the nation.

While the company prides itself in its diversity, it owns and operates a niche lighting contracting firm as well, known as U.S. Power Vision, LLC. With a core business in and around industrial LED lighting, it keeps itself and its clients at the cutting edge of illuminating technologies, all aimed at providing – from the eyes to the fingertips – exceptional illumination, superb control and intuitive simplicity.

The Maven publishes these pearls weekly, or more frequently if we feel like it, because we believe America is already great, and poised to be even greater if we commit to doing our part towards cooling the planet. Publisher Ron Motsch can be reached at (616) 570-9319.

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